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shoreline erosion
slope stability

How to Cite

STUDY OF CLIFF SHORELINE EROSION. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.96.


In this paper the cliff shoreline erosion on the coastline between Punta Montijo and the Chipiona Port (Cadiz, Spain) is studied. The reasons which cause this erosive phenomenon and the future erosive tendency of these cliffs are estimated, obtaining magnitudes of recession and the rate at which it will occur. Analysis of the current situation has been carried out by determining its plan shape, the study of the theoretical erosion profile of the cliffs and the verification of their failure. The future evolution of the cliffs shoreline has been analysed through the simulation of its recession and the study of the profile response to storm wave action. Finally, is presented a model to estimate the recession of the cliff shoreline.


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