ICCE 2016 Cover Image


coastal storms
maximum wave run-up
flooding hazard
shoreline retreat
erosion hazard
empirical models

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European coasts suffer significantly from hazards caused by low-probability and high-impact hydro-meteorological events. The aim of the study is to assess in probabilistic terms the magnitude of storm†induced flooding and erosion hazards along Varna regional coast (Bulgaria, western Black Sea). The study is performed employing the Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) developed within EU FP7 RISC-KIT project. It constitutes a screening process that allows estimation of relevant hazard intensities and extents within predefined sectors. Since total water level was the chief property considered for determination of coastal flooding hazard, the accurate calculation of maximum wave induced run-up is of utter importance. Therefore, a central part of the study is testing the applicability and validation of three empirical models - from which the Holman model was preferred to be applied on sandy beaches, as well as EurOtop formulation for artificial or rocky slopes. As for erosion hazard, the performance of the convolution model was assessed and subsequently employed for evaluation of shoreline retreat. Quantification of hazard intensities allowed hinterland extent to be roughly delineated. As a final result of the study, hazard indicators were obtained for both flooding and erosion, which were subsequently mapped and used for identification of the most susceptible sectors along the regional coast. It was found that their concentration is highest in Varna Bay.


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