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OVERTOPPING ON BREAKWATERS WITH A PERMEABLE CREST. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), papers.17. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.papers.17


In model tests, the wave overtopping discharge is typically measured at the rear corner of the armour crest. So far, all overtopping formulae have been calibrated to predict this specific overtopping discharge. The EurOtop Manual however proposed a formula to include also the discharge trough the permeable armour crests. The total overtopping including the discharge trough the crest armour is relevant in relation to rear armour stability. The discharge trough the armour depends also on the permeability of the core material. In order to study this effect, new model tests were performed with a permeable and an impermeable core. A method for the prediction of the total overtopping discharge is given.


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