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PORT PERFORMANCE PREDICTION THROUGH MARITIME OPERATIONS SIMULATION. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), risk.63. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.risk.63


In recent decades, international shipping trade has grown considerably and ports have been extended in order to satisfy the demands of new ships and cargo. Port management has become a difficult task due to the high number of simultaneous operations in ports and the random nature of the agents that are involved in port operations (climate agents, ship arrivals). This makes necessary an aid-decision making tool that reproduces maritime operations and estimates the uncertainty of the port performance. In this work, the software, based on the methodologies proposed in Benedicto et al (2013) and García Morales et al (2015), is presented. The software has a user-friendly interface, reproduces port operations for a given case and provides a set of indicators that measure the performance of the simulated case, like waiting times or occupancy of berths and harbor services. Port performance is characterized from a statistical point of view. Software validation, with Algeciras Port (Spain) as pilot port, is also presented.


Benedicto, Baquerizo, Santos, Sanchidrián, Losada (2013): Software de optimización de la operatividad portuaria mediante técnicas de simulación. XII Jornadas Españolas de Ingenierías de Costas y Puertos.

García Morales, Baquerizo, Losada (2015): Port management and multiple-criteria decision making under uncertainty. Ocean Engineering, Vol.104, pp. 31-39.

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