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A CASE STUDY ON HARBOR OSCILLATIONS BY INFRAGRAVITY WAVES. (2020). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36v, papers.33. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.papers.33


In this study, the minimization of harbor oscillation using permeable breakwater was applied to the actual harbor and investigated a reduction effect by computer simulation in order to take into account the water quality problems and measures of harbor oscillation by infragravity waves at the same time. The study site is Mukho harbor located at east coast of Korea. The infragravity waves which obtained by analyzing the field data for five years focused on the distribution between wave periods of 40s and 70s and wave heights in less than 0.1m was 94percent of analyzing data. The target wave periods for minimization of harbor oscillation was 68s. The most effective method of minimization of harbor oscillation by infragravity waves was to install a detached permeable breakwater with transmission coefficient of 0.3 on the outside harbor and replace some area of the vertical wall with wave energy dissipating structure to achieve a reflectivity of 0.9 or less in a harbor. The reduction rate of amplitude shown in 27.4percent in this method.

Recorded Presentation from the vICCE (YouTube Link): https://youtu.be/oDzrehaXlY8
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