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EVALUATION OF HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE OF WAVE DISSIPATING BLOCK USING POROSITY. (2020). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36v, papers.29. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.papers.29


The reflection and transmission of wave dissipating work mainly depend on the shape and porosity of wave dissipating block. However, the influence of the shape and porosity of wave dissipating block on the reflection and transmission has not been investigated sufficiently. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the porosity of wave dissipating block on the reflection and transmission coefficients through a series of hydraulic experiments where four kinds of wave dissipating blocks were used. Wave dissipating blocks with smaller porosity provided a larger reflection coefficient and a smaller transmission coefficient as a whole. However, a wave dissipating block provided a smaller reflection coefficient and a smaller transmission coefficient in spite of relatively larger porosity. The measured reflection and transmission coefficients were compared with those estimated by existing equations.

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