Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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wind-blown sand
sediment transport

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FIELD MEASUREMENT OF AEOLIAN SAND FLUX USING CERAMIC SAND FLUX SENSOR UD-101 AT A SAND DUNE. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.109.


This study conducted field observations in terms of the number of blown sand impacts and wind velocity at an open ocean beach in Japan, in order to investigate characteristics of the aeolian sand transport flux over a sand dune slope. Charnock constant of a roughness length equation calculated from wind velocity data had a larger value over the slope compared to over a flat. Furthermore, the aeolian flux over the slope tended to be larger than that over the flat. Characteristics of the Charnock constant and the aeolian flux over the flat and the slope were demonstrated from the field measurements.
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