Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

numerical model
storm surge

Cómo citar

VULNERABILITY TO COASTAL FLOODING INDUCED BY TROPICAL CYCLONES. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), management.19.


Hurricanes are a recurrent feature on Mexican coasts; they create floods whose economic and social damages are evident. The necessity to evaluate the natural hazard related to storm surge is fundamental to reduce risk in coastal areas. In order to generate flooding hazard maps, storm surge associated to different return periods is computed with a 2D numerical model. The first part of this work is related with the data and numerical models used to calculate the storm surge, the second part contain the results obtained with the simulations. This work has been done for the entire Mexican coastline but only results for the Gulf of Mexico are presented
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Ruiz, G., Mendoza, E., Silva, R., Posada, G., Pérez, D., Rivillas, G. Escalante, E., Ruíz, F., 2009. Caracterización del régimen de oleaje y viento de 1948-2007 en el litoral mexicano. Revista de Ingeniería del Agua Vol 16. No 1, Spain.

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