Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Lagrangian block hydrodynamics
regular periodic waves
wave runup
wave overtopping
shock capture
shoreline tracking

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Wave runup and overtopping of truncated beaches have been simulated using the method of Lagrangian Block Hydrodynamics (LBH). Instead of interpolation, which causes numerical oscillations, the fluxes through the face of the finite-volume in the LBH method are determined by the advection of the blocks. Negative water depth is not possible and the computation is unconditionally stable as the momentum is updated by the re-construction of the blocks. The accuracy of the method is evaluated using (i) the exact solution of the collapsing bore and (ii) the available laboratory data of the solitary waves as the benchmarks. The numerical simulations carried out for regular periodic waves cover a wide range of wave steepness and beach slopes taking advantage of the inherent shock-capturing and shoreline-tracking capabilities of the LBH method.
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