Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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coastal structure

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MORPHOLOGY VARIABILITY IN THE VICINITY OF COASTAL STRUCTURES. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.69.


The morphology variability is carried out in this study by using the historical bathymetry data. Two study areas in which the vicinity of coastal structures are selected and make a comparative study, Sendai Port and Yuriage Port. Both are located in the Sendai Coast, northeast of Japan, with the similar incoming wave condition from SE and ESE direction. Sediment is trapped in front of Breakwater at Yuriage Port; on the contrary, the severe erosion occurs in the updrift side of Sendai Port. Consequently, these phenomena should be clarified by study on morphology variability. To overcome these aspects, it needs to analyze a long-term series data set and investigate the characteristics of morphological variability in order to well understand for the perspective of coastal management.
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