ICCE 2022
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FEASIBILITY STUDY OF SAND BYPASS AT AVEIRO AND FIGUEIRA DA FOZ INLETS. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, papers.65. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v37.papers.65


To mitigate coastal erosion in the sectors Barra-Vagueira and Figueira da Foz-Leirosa (NW of Portugal), Portuguese coastal authority has promoted the discussion on the feasibility of implementing a sand bypassing system to restore natural littoral sediment transport. This study synthesizes the main results of the proposed solutions for Aveiro and Figueira da Foz tidal inlets. The methodology to develop the study compromised tree main phases that included the historical characterization of the study area, the preliminary design of different sand bypassing solutions for each coastal inlet and the discussion of their economic feasibility. The physical performance of the sand bypass solutions demonstrated that several bypassing solutions are technically viable to mitigate coastal erosion. However, it was found that the solution is economically viable only at the coastal sector Figueira da Foz-Leirosa.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Margarida Ferreira, Carlos Coelho, Márcia Lima, Cristina Bernardes, Paulo Baptista, Paulo A. Silva, Ricardo Carvalho, Malcolm Pound, Celso Pinto