ICCE 2022
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Cómo citar

WAVE TRANSFORMATION OVER PALM BEACH REEF. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, waves.46. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v37.waves.46


Ocean wave parameters are influenced by shallowing water depth and varying bottom topography. Modelling and in-situ studies have found that as waves propagate over a reef, interaction in the form of friction with the shallower reef can alter wave height, wave period, wavelength, and wave direction. Submerged structures such as coral and rock-based reefs provide an uncertain amount of shoreline protection. Quantifying wave transformation over submerged structures will inform and aid in the design of future coastal protections.
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Harris, Vila-Concejo (2013) Wave transformation on a coral reef rubble platform, Journal of coastal research, Special issue 94, 506-510

Sous, Tisser, Rey, Touboul (2019): Wave transformation over a barrier reef, Continental shelf research vol 184, 66-80

Symonds, Black and Young (1995): Wave driven flow over shallow reefs, Journal of Geo-physical research: Oceans 100 (C2), 2639-2648.

Young (1989): Wave transformation over coral reefs, Journal of Geo-physical research: Oceans 94 (C7), i9779-9789.

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Derechos de autor 2023 Ralph Daniels, Daryl Metters, John Ryan