ICCE 2022
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EXTREME WAVE CLIMATE OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES COAST. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, waves.53. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v37.waves.53


The NSW coast is subject to a relatively moderate wave climate that is periodically affected by large coastal storm events arising from a range of synoptic weather systems. Extreme wave events may cause coastal inundation, beach erosion, damage to property and marine structures, and risks to public safety. This paper describes the statistical analysis of the extreme directional wave climate along the NSW coast based on historical wave buoy data extending back to 1974. From the analysis, long-term trends in the extreme wave climate (storm peaks, storm duration and peak directions) are also identified. The work is largely an extension of the analysis completed by Shand et al (2011), that incorporates an additional 13 years of wave data up to 2022.
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DPE (2021): Ocean and coastal waves. NSW Department of Planning and Environment. https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/research-and-publications/our-science-and-research/our-research/water/ocean-and-coastal-waves.

MHL (2021). NSW Ocean Wave Data Collection Program. Manly Hydraulics Laboratory. https://mhl.nsw.gov.au/Data. Accessed on 3 May 2021.

Shand, Goodwin, Mole, Carley, Coghlan, Harley and Peirson (2010): NSW Coastal Inundation Hazard Study: Coastal Storms and Extreme Waves, WRL Technical Report 2010/16.

Speer, Leslie, Hartigan, Macnamara (2021): Changes in frequency and location of east coast low pressure systems affecting southeast Australia. Climate, 9 (2021), pp. 1-21, 10.3390/cli9030044

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Derechos de autor 2023 Sean Garber, David Hanslow, David Taylor, Jarrod Dent