ICCE 2022
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STABILITY ANALYSIS OF OLD BREAKWATERS: CASE STUDIES OF FAILURES AND SUCCESSES. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, structures.10.


Until about 1930, analysis of wave loads on vertical breakwaters was based on trial and error. Russell(1) noted it was unfortunate that “the young engineer …should be left to be guided entirely by circumstances, without the aid of any one general principle.” Stevenson(2) noted “the engineer has always a difficulty in estimating the force of the waves with which he has to contend.” Wave force formulae by Sainflou(3) and Goda(4) improved design methods, but were 50 to 100 years too late for many ‘old’ breakwaters, and do not apply to many composite breakwaters – ignoring the seminal influence of shoals or mounds on wave breaking and impulsive loadings. This paper presents case studies using empirical methods developed over the last 20-30 years to calculate loads and stability of example ‘old’ breakwaters including: Wick (failed before completion); Alderney (multiple breaches during construction, and only survives to 1/2 of its original length); and Dover (survives with substantial Factors of Safety). The screening analysis(5) used empirical methods developed over the previous 20 years(10), summarised in the case studies(6,7). Methods used here are empirical (no numerical modelling) so that the calculations can easily be repeated by local engineers.
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Stevenson T (1874) The Design and Construction of Harbours: a treatise on maritime engineering, Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh

Sainflou, G (1928) Essai sur les digues maritimes verticales Vol 98, Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris.

Goda Y (1974) "New wave pressure formulae for composite breakwaters" Proc. 14th Conference on Coastal Engineering, pp 1702-1720, Copenhagen, publn. ASCE, New York.

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Vernon-Harcourt LF (1873) Account of the construction and maintenance of the harbour at Braye bay, Alderney, Paper 1347, Institution of Civil Engineers, London

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Wilson, M. F-G. (1919) Admiralty Harbour, Dover, Proc ICE, paper 4274, discussed 18 November 1919, pages 31-112.

Vernon-Harcourt, L.F. (1885) Harbours and docks: their physical features, history, construction equipment, and maintenance, Clarendon Press Series, OUP.

HR Wallingford (2011) Dover Harbour Breakwaters, Report EX6548, November 2011, HR Wallingford (I Cruickshank, V Albanese, D Wyncoll, RS Cork, W. Allsop)

Goda Y (2000) Random seas and maritime structures, 2nd edition, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, ISBN 981-02-3256-X, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

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Derechos de autor 2023 William Allsop, Tom Bruce