Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

perforated breakwaters
wave reflection
neural network
quay wall

Cómo citar

STUDY OF REFLECTION OF NEW LOW-REFLECTIVITY QUAY WALL CAISSON. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), structures.27.


This paper presents a new low-reflectivity quay wall caisson based on the formation of cell circuits. The cell circuit lengths can be adapted to the specific wave climate conditions at the construction site to obtain the best performance. Results from physical model tests of conventional and cell circuit caissons are described, as well as the construction process and steel reinforcement, which turns out to be quite similar to highly reflective conventional caissons. Neural Network (NN) models are used to describe the nonlinear relationship observed between experimental coefficients of reflection (CR) and the structural and wave conditions for the new low reflectivity quay wall caisson.
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