ICCE 2022
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SIMULATION OF CONTAINER DRIFT UNDER EXTREME HYDRODYNAMIC CONDITIONS. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, management.43.


In Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, debris entrained within the incoming tsunami waves was responsible for widespread infrastructure damage (Chock et al., 2011). The presence of debris within the inundating wave needs to be taken into consideration; however, few methodologies and tools exist to estimate debris hazards. Therefore, one option to evaluate the behavior of drifting debris is using numerical models. Currently, the particle method, which is a meshless analysis method, is expected to be utilized for analyzing the behavior of drifting objects (Goaseberg et al., 2017). However, the ability of models to properly capture the interaction between multiple drifting objects has not yet been verified. This study will be among the first to model drift behavior of multiple debris under tsunami-like conditions, using the DualSPHysics model suite.
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Chock, Robertson, Kriebel, Nistor, Francis, Cox, Yim. (2011). The Tohoku, Japan, tsunami of March 11, 2011: effects on structures. EERI special earthquake report, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, CA; 2011.

Goseberg, Heunecke, Stolle, Nistor. (2017). Numerical modelling of shipping container transport over a horizontal bottom. In Proceedings of the International Short Course and Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Santander, Spain, 3–6 October 2017.

Stolle, Ghodoosipour, Derschum, Nistor, Petriu, Goseberg. (2019). Swing gate generated dam-break waves, Journal of Hydraulic Research,57:5, 675-687, DOI:10.1080/00221686.2018.1489901.

Crespo, Domínguez, Rogers, Gómez-Gesteira, Longshaw, Canelas, Vacondio, Barreiro, García-Feal O. (2015). DualSPHysics: open-source parallel CFD solver on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Computer Physics Communications, 187: 204-216. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2014.10.004.

Domínguez, Fourtakas, Altomare, Canelas, Tafuni, García Feal, Martínez-Estévez, Mokos, Vacondio, Crespo, Rogers, Stansby, Gómez-Gesteira. (2021). DualSPHysics: from fluid dynamics to multiphysics problems. Computational Particle Mechanics. 10.1007/s40571-021-00404-2.

Tasora, Serban, Mazhar, Pazouki, Melanz, Fleischmann, Taylor, Sugiyama, Negrut. (2016). Chrono: An Open Source Multi-physics Dynamics Engine. Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research and Publications. 93.

von Häfen, Stolle, Nistor, Goseberg. (2021). Side-by-side entrainment and displacement of cuboids due to a tsunami-like wave. Coastal Engineering. 164. 103819. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103819.

Ruffini, Briganti, de girolamo, Stolle, Ghiassi, Castellino. (2021). Numerical Modelling of Flow-Debris Interaction during Extreme Hydrodynamic Events with DualSPHysics-CHRONO. Applied Sciences. 11. 10.3390/app11083618.

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Derechos de autor 2023 Shin Yazaki, Ryota Nakamura, Ioan Nistor, Jacob Stolle