Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

regional sediment management
sediment sources and supply
coastal planning

Cómo citar

COASTAL REGIONAL SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), management.29.


Regional Sediment Management (RSM) is a planning approach that seeks to address coastal sediment processes on a broader geographic scale. It recognizes that sand, cobble, and fine sediment are important natural resources that are critical to the environmental health and economic vitality of the coastal zone. The relevant sediment processes overlap multiple geopolitical boundaries which explains why a regional planning perspective is needed. To be effective a comprehensive road map is needed to addresses how to conserve and restore the valuable sediment resources, reduce shoreline erosion and coastal storm damages, protect sensitive environmental resources, increase natural sediment supply to the coast, preserve and enhance beaches, improve water quality along the shoreline, and optimize the beneficial use of material dredged from ports, harbors, and other opportunistic sediment sources. The plan that was prepared for the diverse 144-mile long Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties coastline was developed systematically using traditional planning processes to understand the baseline science and relevant physical processes; identify the challenges that currently exist and the corresponding opportunities that can be seized to positively move forward; and formulate appropriate action plans and solutions that have unanimity of purpose. It is demonstrated that in order to be technically, environmentally, economically, and politically effective regional sediment management plans should consist of a suite of diverse study, management, policy, and capital project activities.
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Barnard, P.L. et al. 2009, Coastal processes study of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California, USGS Open File Report 2009-1029.

Diener, B.G. 2000. Sand Contribution From Bluff Recession Between Point Conception And Santa Barbara, CA. Shore and Beach 68(2)7-14.

Noble Consultants. 2009. Coastal regional sediment management plan, central coast from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu. Prepared for Beach Erosion Authority for Control Operations and Nourishment, Santa Barbara, CA.

Noble Consultants. 1989. Coastal sand management plan, Santa Barbara / Ventura County Coastline. Prepared for Beach Erosion Authority for Control Operations and Nourishment, Santa Barbara, CA.

Revell, D. L. and Griggs, G.B. 2007. Regional shoreline and beach changes in the Santa Barbara sandshed. Coastal Sediments '07, Proceedings of the 6 th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, ASCE, New Orleans, LA, Volume 3.

Runyan, K.B., and Griggs, G.B. 2003. The effects of armoring seacliffs on the natural sand supply to the Beaches of California. Journal of Coastal Research 19(2) 336-347.

Warrick, J.A. and Farnsworth, K.L. 2007. Sources of sediment to the coastal waters of the Southern California Bight, Chapter 2.2 - Sources of sediment to the coastal waters of the Southern California Bight. Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental Borderland. Geological Society of America, Special Paper Number 454, pp. 39-52

Willis, C.W. and Griggs, G.B. 2003. Reductions in fluvial sediment discharge by coastal dams in California and implications for beach sustainability. Journal of Geology 111:167-182.

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