ICCE 2022
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ASSESMENT OF WAVE OVERTOPPING ON REEF-FRONTED SHORES. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, management.131.


Overtopping has been widely studied to design coastal structures, and it is also an important parameter for coastal management in order to evaluate the protection by natural coastal systems against inundation. Most formulations for open coasts have estimated overtopping using the wave runup (R2 percent), the beach slope and the truncated point, with empirical coefficients to account for further details (e.g. EurOtop, 2018). However, for beaches that are naturally protected by fringing reefs, the knowledge of overtopping is limited, and reliable analytical formulations have not been developed. The aim of this research is to evaluate the previous overtopping model and scaling laws and suggest one model applicable to reef-fronted shores.
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Astorga-Moar, A., & Baldock, T. E. (2022): Assessment and optimisation of runup formulae for beaches fronted by fringing reefs based on physical experiments. Coastal Engineering, 176, 104163.

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EurOtop, (2018): Manual on Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures. An Overtopping Manual Largely Based on European Research, but for Worldwide Application.

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Gourlay, M.R., (1996): Wave set-up on coral reefs. 1. Set-up and wave-generated flow on an idealised two dimensional horizontal reef. Coast. Eng. 27, 161–193.

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Ibrahim, M. S., & Baldock, T. E. (2020): Swash overtopping on plane beaches–Reconciling empirical and theoretical scaling laws using the volume flux. Coastal Engineering, 157.

Peregrine, D. H., & Williams, S. M. (2001): Swash overtopping a truncated plane beach. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 440, 391-399.

Svendsen, I. A. (1984): Mass flux and undertow in a surf zone. Coastal engineering, 8(4), 347-365.

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Derechos de autor 2023 Alejandro Astorga-Moar, Tom E. Baldock