ICCE 2022
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ESTUARINE SENSITIVITY TO NATURE-BASED SALT INTRUSION MITIGATION MEASURES. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, management.146.


All around the world, deltas are among the most densely populated and heavily utilised regions, where crucial functions, such as freshwater availability and safety against flooding, strongly relate to the natural dynamics of the system. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the estuarine system is crucial, especially when developing nature-based solutions for safeguarding these essential functions for today’s society as well as future generations. To better understand the effect of different estuarine parameters on salt intrusion, an extensive sensitivity analysis has been executed based on an idealised estuary layout. The idealised estuary is parametrically designed using thirteen parameters that represent both boundary conditions and geometric features, such as river discharge and water depth. Subsequently, the Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DFM) model has been used to determine the salt intrusion, allowing the exploration of a wide range of estuary layouts.
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Bakker, van der Werff, de Jong, and van Koningsveld. (in prep.). An agent-based port accessibility model driven by real hydrodynamics: an AIS-based validation for the Port of Rotterdam.

Hendrickx. (2022). ANNESI: An open-source artificial neural network for estuarine salt intrusion. 4TU.ResearchData. Software. DOI:10.4121/19307693.

Iglesias. (2022). A systematic tool for the assessment of nature-based solutions to mitigate salt intrusion. MSc thesis, Delft University of Technology.

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Derechos de autor 2023 Gijs G. Hendrickx, José A.A. Antolínez, Peter M.J. Herman, Stefan G.J. Aarninkhof