Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

integrated flood risk analysis
source-pathway-receptor concept
storm surge
intangible flood damages

Cómo citar

INTEGRATED FLOOD RISK ANALYSIS FOR EXTREME STORM SURGES (XTREMRISK). (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), management.9.


Extreme storm surges have frequently led to major damages also along the German coastline. The joint research project 'XtremRisK' was initiated to improve the understanding of risk-related issues due to extreme storm surges and to quantify the flood risk for two pilot sites at the open coast and in an estuarine area under present and future climate scenarios. In this context, an integrated flood risk analysis is performed based on the source-pathway-receptor concept under consideration of possible tangible and intangible losses. This paper describes the structure of the project, the methodology of the subprojects, and first results. Moreover, integration approaches are discussed. The results of 'XtremRisK' will be used to propose flood risk mitigation measures for the prospective end-users.
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