Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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wave reflection
wave run-up

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WAVE RUN-UP AND REFLECTION AT RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATERS WITH ECOPODE ARMOR LAYER. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), structures.45. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v32.structures.45


In 2008 the authors verified the hydraulic stability of a coastal defense project to be built along the NW coast of Sicily (Italy, Tomasicchio et al., 2009). The intervention consisted of shore parallel barriers armored with a relatively new eco-friendly system: ECOPODETM. In that context the idea arose of conducting an exhaustive experimental campaign on the " hydraulic response " of these units, including wave run-up , wave overtopping, wave transmission and wave reflection observations. The latter has been performed in 2010 at the LInC Laboratory of University of Naples "Federico II†. In this paper results on wave run-up and reflection are presented and discussed.
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