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Palabras clave

suspended sediment
bed load
suspended load

Cómo citar

SUSPENDED SEDIMENT DUE TO WAVE ACTION. (1962). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(8), 13.


The sediment movement in the littoral zone occurs in the form of bed load (material rolled and pushed along the bottom by shear stress) and suspended load (material maintained in suspension by action of waves and currents). The present paper is concerned with studies through both the field and laboratory investigations intended to determine the concentration patterns of suspended sediment due to action of surface waves. The distribution patterns of suspended sediment sampled at an open coast were highly interesting in relation to functional and structural design of the cooling water intake system for the atomic power plant now being under construction at the Pacific Ocean coast of Tokai, Ibaragi Prefecture, Japan. As far as the authors are concerned, the clear relationship between hydraulic conditions, such as height and period of waves, water depth, water temperature, etc., and sediment characteristics has not yet been established, although a number of researches have been conducted in the laboratory and in the field.
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