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Palabras clave

breakwater design
structure design

Cómo citar

RECENT ADVANCES IN COASTAL STRUCTURE DESIGN. (1962). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(8), 23.


The type and scope of work accomplished and responsibility and authority of the office to which he is attached is indicative of the interests of an author and of the information available to him. It is therefore pertinent to cover in this general section a summary of the responsibility and the delegated authority of the Corps of Engineers as regards Coastal Engineering. The subject of recent advances in coastal structures is quite broad and complex and modern design practice incorporates old and new findings. This paper discusses various aspects of proper modern design of breakwaters and jetties with special attention to newer findings, their proper application and the means by which the findings were made. The Corps has the responsibility for the planning, investigation, design and construction of Federal civil works navigation projects. This consists generally of harbor and channel works. Their responsibility extends to the control of all works, private or governmental, to assure that navigation will not be adversely affected. They are also charged with the responsibility of planning, investigation, design and construction of Federal civil works projects involving shore protection from wave and currents, protection from effects of hurricane, tsunamis and tidal flooding, and of beach erosion control. The accomplishment of such a mission therefore includes research of an applied nature to permit advancement in knowledge and technique. Most of this research is based on small scale model studies accomplished at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and at the laboratory of the Corps of Engineers Beach Erosion Board in Washington, D. C. In addition a limited number of prototype studies are being initiated in the charge of the staffs of various District Engineers.
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