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Palabras clave

resonance conditions
Luanda Harbor

Cómo citar

RESONANCE CONDITIONS IN N°.l DOCK OF LUANDA HARBOUR. (1964). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(9), 48.


About 900 m of berth length arranged around a single pier are at present available in the port of Luanda. Due to the constant increase of traffic through the port, the "Brigada de Estudos do Porto de Luanda" (Brigade of Stud ies of the Luanda Harbour) decided to prepare a general plan of extension of the port facilities. The extension planned comprises the construction of a new pier, which together with the existing one will delimit a triangular dock - dock n°-.l -, and of a se ries of rectangular basins between the new dock and the area of S.Pedro da Barra fortress (fig.l). The danger of possible resonance phenomena and the fact that this problem can be dealt with before construction begins, led the Brigade to undertake a detailed analysis of it before tak ing decisions on the extension works of the port. This analysis comprised three stages: a) Observation in nature of long-period waves in Luanda bay. b) Analytic study of the behaviour of the planned docks under the action of possible long-period waves . c) Experimental study in model of the same phenomenon. The author, as consulting engineer of the Brigade of Stud ies, programmed observations a) and analysed their results,performed the analytic study b) [l] , [2] , [3] and, as head of the Hydraulic Department of Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Ci vil, planned, supervised and interpreted the model studies.
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