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wave analysis

Cómo citar

WAVES AT SEKONDI, GHANA. (1966). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(10), 1. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v10.1


During the International Geophysical Year the National Institute of Oceanography in collaboration with Ghana IGY Committee and the Ghana Railway and Harbours Administration made recordings of sea waves at a point 2,300 feet off Sekondi point in a direction 156°. The instrument used was an N.I.O. piezo-electric wave recorder of the pressure recording type. Recordings started in June, 1958, and continued until the end of October that year when the cable suffered severe damage which could not easily be repaired. Because of the high cost of cable and the fact that a good series of records had already been obtained for a rough time of year, the instrument was recovered and used elsewhere. Records were taken every two hours and each has a useable length of twelve minutes. Most of the waves arriving at Sekondi are in the form of swell which has been generated by storms in the southern hemisphere; consequently wave conditions do not change very quickly, and it was found unnecessary to analyse every record except during rough conditions. The method of analysis used is that described in the associated paper "The Analysis and Presentation of Wave Data - a Plea for Uniformity".
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