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Palabras clave

wave pressure
breaking waves
breakwater design
composite breakwater

Cómo citar

PRESSURES BY BREAKING WAVES ON COMPOSITE-TYPE BREAKWATERS. (1968). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(11), 59.


The intensity and vertical distribution of pressures exerted by water waves on the vertical walls of composite-type breakwaters vary in a very wide range from those of high shock pressures exerted by severe breaking waves to those of low pressures similar to hydrostatic pressure due to standing waves, depending upon the shape of the composite-type breakwaters, the characteristics of incoming waves, and the depths of water where the breakwater are located. In this paper are presented the intensity and vertical distribution of pressures exerted by various kinds of breaking waves on the vertical walls of composite-type breakwaters with low and large base-rubble-mounds constructed m comparaticely deep water.
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