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Palabras clave

coastal studies
filed investigation

Cómo citar

FIELD INVESTIGATION PRACTICES OF COASTAL STUDIES IN JAPAN. (1968). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(11), 76.


This paper is a brief review of the publications on the field studies carried out in Japanese coasts. Japan has many projects of coastal works in relation with the development of industrial area, the protection of coastal land from disaster and some other purposes. Before the execution of these projects, the agencies in charge of them make field investigations for their necessary items. The results of investigations in detail are reported in their official publications and sometimes the abstracts of them are reported at the annual meeting of coastal engineering held by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers. As the official publications of the governmental organizations are distributed in strictly limited circles, they are not well known by scientists and engineers outside these organizations. The author intended to collect some of these official reports and selected some additional reports on field study from the proceedings of annual meetings of coastal engineering, and tried to make a classification of the contents and to give a brief review of them.
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