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model scour

Cómo citar

COMPARISON OF MODEL AND BEACH SCOUR PATTERNS. (1970). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(12), 80.


Artificial or natural barriers may be divided into two classes, those from which waves are reflected and those on which waves break In general, any intermediate type that gives a combination of reflection and breaking may set up severe erosive action of the beach m front of barriers When the reflected waves are superimposed on the incident waves a stationary spatial envelope of the combined incident and reflected waves is produced Previous laboratory studies indicated that the crests of the sand bed appear fairly closely under the nodes of the envelope and troughs of the scoured sand bed under the loops of the envelope The predominant scouring pattern had a spacing between crests equal to one-half the wave length Other studies by Keulegan and Shepard established characteristic parameters for bar and trough depth for laboratory conditions and for several field locations Their studies were compared with beach profiles taken along the Texas Gulf Coast.
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