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Palabras clave

hydraulic force
twin hull

Cómo citar

ON THE HYDRODYNAMIC FORCES OF TWIN-HULL VESSELS. (1970). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(12), 103. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v12.103


The added mass and damping coefficients for semi- and fully submerged twin cylinders in vertical motion are determined as functions of the oscillation frequency, the cylinder spacing ratio, and the cylinder submergence ratio It has been found that resonance may occur in particular combinations of cylinder spacing and oscillation frequency at which the hydrodynamic mertial and damping characteristics deviate from the trend curves for the case of a single cylinder Justification of using the two-dimensional results to calculate motions of three dimensional twin-hull vessels is discussed It is suggested that, by means of strip theory approach, these results can be used to estimate the hydrodynamic forces for catamaran type vessels in pitch and heave motions.
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