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Palabras clave

storage tank
oil tank
wave oscillation

Cómo citar

WAVE OSCILLATIONS IN AN OFFSHORE OIL STORAGE TANK. (1974). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(14), 117. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v14.117


The rapidly incrasing demand to exploit known offshore oil fiojds throughout the world, ;md the costly conventional metiv d of pioii.'g the oil to the shore have given support to the concept of offshore storage terminals located ir. the immediate vicinity of uhe field. The Khazzan Dubai oil storage tanks at Fateh fi°ld, off- 3>>^..-e from Dubai (Chsmberlin, 1570), the Pazargad one milion-bbi crude-oil storage barge at Syvus field, Iran, offshore in the Persian Gulf (Feizy and McDonald, 1972'), and the nc offshore reinforcedconci'etc million-bbl oil storage tank at the Kkofisk field in the Kori-h Sei (C,,ean Industry, 1972), show the new attitude which the iffshore oil-production industry has developed toward UP1, system. A closed floating, or pile-supported, bottomless barrier migh* provide an effective solution for storing oil offshore or containing an oil spill. The crude oil coming from the production platform is injected at the sea level inside the closed bottomless barrier, it dispalces the water inside, and reaains above the water as a result of its density. The oscillations of the internal wave at the interfuc.-. o£ oil and water and the surface w:>ve2 resulting ?~rm dilrVrrtrtt incident waves in such, a container -v-./ie stv.Jieu in this work.
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