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Palabras clave

tidal design
tidal construction

Cómo citar

WAVES USED FOR INTER-TIDAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 3. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v15.3


The selection of suitable design criteria and methods of construction for works on inter-tidal sand flats has played an important part in a recently completed study (1) which examines the feasibility of storing fresh water in bunded reservoirs built on the foreshore of the Wash bay in the east coat of England (figure 1). Wave, wind and tide conditions have been monitored in the bay for 3 years to provide the information needed for design and construction. Experienced gained during the construction of a 15m high trial embankment (figure 2) located lm below mean sea level and 5 km from the sea defence bank has enabled us to examine the economy of construction methods. Short and long term observations on the bank will provide data on the performance of rip rap surface protection in field conditions.
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