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Palabras clave

irregular waves
rubble mound breakwater

Cómo citar

OVERTOPPING OF RUBBLE-MOUND BREAKWATERS BY IRREGULAR WAVES. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 157. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v15.157


This paper describes the results of an experimental study on the effect of waves on rubble-mound breakwaters, wave transmission subsequent to wave overtopping, the stability of the three sides subjected to wave action and the effect of the breakwaters on waves. Two different rubble-mound breakwaters were tested, i. e. one with a rigid impermeable crest and the other with a flexible permeable crest. Tests were performed with both regular and irregular wave train systems. To obtain the simulated irregular wave trains, four theoretical spectra were chosen: Neumann, Bretschneider, Moskowitz, and Scott. Results obtained from tests with irregular wave trains were compared to those obtained from tests with regular wave trains. It was found that more information was obtained on the behaviour of the structure when it was submitted to the attack of irregular waves than when submitted to regular waves, and that the use of irregular wave trains gave more interesting results.
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