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Palabras clave

sedimentary sequence
coastal region

Cómo citar

A NEW METHOD FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF SEDIMENTARY SEQUENCES IN COASTAL REGIONS. (1978). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(16), 72. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v16.72


Coastal lowlands usually consist of a body of unconsolidated sediments of up to 30 m thickness which have been deposited under the influence of a rising sea level during the past 10,000 years. These lowlands increasingly are acquiring importance for industrial plants, harbour construction, pipelines, and for the exploration of mineral resources. Consequently a basis for planning is required which will permit an economic exploitation of the coastal zone. Geological mapping at scale of 1 : 25 000, which has been going on in Germany for more than 100 years, is of fundamental importance for this. Especially the newest type of geologic maps - the sequence map - offers the possibility of classifying and representing (BARCKHAUSEN, PREUSS & STREIF 1977) the costal deposits in a way that is well suited for technical and scientific purposes. Its range of application covers tidal flat areas, marshes and coastal bogs, as they occur for example in the coastal zone of the southern North Sea. Combined with a documentation system of the field data and the techniques of automatic data processing this type of map offers new aspects which by far exceed the possibilities of conventional geological mapping.
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