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Palabras clave

river entrance
river jetties

Cómo citar

MECHANISMS OPERATING AT A JETTIED RIVER ENTRANCE. (1980). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(17), 155.


Between October 1976 and July 1977 a northern rubble mound jetty was constructed at the mouth of the Hastings River, transforming the entrance from a single to a double jettied system. Prior to the jetty construction the entrance was characterised by the presence of a substantial swash bar (alternatively called an ebb delta marginal shoal) which was a continuous feature over 100 years of hydrographic survey records. However, construction of the northern jetty triggered an unprecedented onshore movement of the swash bar. This movement was well documented by a field monitoring programme incorporating hydrosurveys, aerial* photographs, tidal gaugings, sediment sampling, float tracking and nearby wave rider buoy information. A semi-quantitative model was developed to aid understanding and quantification of the macro sedimentary processes associated with this phenomenon. The model demonstrated that the sudden reduction of the swash bar was due to the disruption of a circulation of sand which had previously aided the dynamic stability of the bar. The quantitative predictions of the model agreed well with subsequent entrance behaviour. The philosophical development of the model and its findings are discussed in detail. In the literature there is a general lack of attempts to quantify the sediment transport relationships between the gross morphologic features of tidal entrances. This paper presents a methodology for assessing the sedimentary process at tidal entrances.
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