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coastal protection
protection devices

Cómo citar

COASTAL PROTECTION DEVICES - A REVIEW. (1982). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(18), 111.


Coastal protection devices include, but are not limited to, dune stabilization, seawalls, groynes, detached breakwaters, sand bypassing and beach nourishment. These are the "tools". The "rules" for their use comes from a knowledge of the beach processes which in many instances are site specific. Systems which work satisfactorily at one location may not necessarily work at another. A plan is made for authors to give more information on these processes when describing case histories. The variability of the physical conditions and the non-linear nature of many of the coastal processes often dictates how coastal protection works will behave; a fact which is not always taken into account by the designer. For coastal protection devices to be developed to their full potential requires improved instrumentation and data bases and a greater knowledge of the coastal processes than is available at the present time.
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