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Palabras clave

wave prediction
extreme waves
directional wave
directional data

Cómo citar

EXTREME WAVE PREDICTION USING DIRECTIONAL DATA. (1986). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(20), 11. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v20.11


Potential inconsistencies in the predictions of long term wave heights can be experienced as a result of different methods of analysis possible when using directional wave data. This paper attempts to illustrate some of them. It involves analysis of two sets of directional wave data - one froa a coastal location in the Irish Sea and another from an offshore location in the North Sea. An attempt is made to eliminate the discrepancies between the long term return-value wave height predictions based upon the conditional height distributions associa ted with different direction sectors and those derived from the oonl-directional data set.
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