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Palabras clave

tidal basin
nearshore basin equlibrium analysis

Cómo citar

A NEW EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS FOR NEARSHORE TIDAL BASINS. (1986). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(20), 80. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v20.80


A large tidal flat area of about 40 tidal basins with catchment areas of between 10 and 790 km2 exists along the coast of the German Bight. Not all of these tidal basins are morphologically stable. The main parameter necessary for determining the state of equilibrium is the volumetric capacity of the concave portions of the tidal basin. In order to examine the equilibrium state it is necessary to compare the volumetric capacity of the tidal basin determined from hydrographic charts (measured volume) with a theoretical volume given by newly developed stability criteria representing averaged conditions (volume balances). Significant deviations between the theoretical and the measured volumes indicate a state of non-equilibrium. Using stability criteria it is possible to desribe the state of equilibrium of a tidal basin in a stepwise manner either from the bottom of the tidal basin to the datum plane MHW in order to obtain a cross-sectional stability profile, or from the shore to the seaward boundary of the basin in order to obtain a longitudinal stability profile. The applicability of the new method for analyzing the equilibrium of a tidal basin will be demonstrated by the example of the Suderau tidal basin in the north of Germany.
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