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Palabras clave

longshore current
current evaluation

Cómo citar

ANOTHER APPROACH TO LONGSHORE CURRENT EVALUATION. (1986). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(20), 100.


A simple model to predict the longshore current velocity at the breaker line on a beach with oblique wave incidence, is presented. The model balances driving and resistance terms (gradients of radiation and turbulent Reynolds stresses and bottom friction) to get a general expression for the velocity. This equation shows explicitely the influence of Iribarren's parameter on longshore current generation. It has been tested with field and laboratory data, obtaining a reasonable fit to measured values. The resulting (predictive) model is expected to be valid for any type of breakers though the calibration has been mainly done for spilling and plunging types, due to the scarcity of results for other breakers.
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