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erosion protection

Cómo citar

BEACHWALLS FOR BEACH EROSION PROTECTION. (1986). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(20), 140.


Many shoreline property owner protect the beaches from erosion walls. In many situations, these sea increase in beach erosion forcing, adjoining properties to construct their shoreline. The construction o causes erosion on the adjacent prop more often than not, where beach construction of sea walls in addi erosion to adjacent property has cause of the beaches. s, in an effort to have constructed sea walls have caused an by "domino effect", sea walls to protect f a sea wall often erty. Unfortunately, s once existed, the tion to causing beach ed the disappearance Because of the concern for the eroding beaches and the proliferation of sea walls, the design of a "beachwall" was proposed over four years ago by the author. Several of these beachwalls have been constructed, and the beaches fronting these structures have thus far been preserved or restored.
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