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Palabras clave

pocket beach
beach design

Cómo citar

DESIGH OP POCKET BEACHES- THE SPANISH CASE. (1988). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(21), 105.


Pocket beach is a usual method to restore an eroded or regressive: coast without natural sand supply. Nowadays, there are more than 40' of these beaGhes on. the Spanish coasts and a lot of them all over the world. This paper deals with the design parameters of pocket beaches, based on the analysis of data collected from 24 existing beaches on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Fourteen of these beaches have been studied in detail; nine of them located on the Alboran Sea and. the other five on the coast of Cataluna. Data from 10 additional be.aciLes have also been considered-. Different parameters such as structural design, location of breakwaters, beach planform, beach profile, wave conditions at the site and sediment-ary conditions have been analyzed. A mathematical model has been used for the study of the shoreline equilibrium planform. Practical coastal criteria-design considerations have been drawn from the observed behaviour of "the aforementioned beaches.
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