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Palabras clave

sloped seawall
gentle slope
armor units

Cómo citar

GENTLE SLOPE SEAWALLS COVERED WITH ARMOUR UNITS. (1988). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(21), 147.


Since the early 1960's, many seawalls against the beach erosion have been constructed in Japan, most of which were of vertical type. As a result, some of the seawalls even encouraged the beach erosion due to the reflected waves on the steep front of the seawalls. The author then proposed seawalls of new types with gentle front slope(l to 3) covered with armour units in 1981, and over one hundred fieldworks have successfully been carried out. In 1985, the author proposed reforming the existing vertical type seawalls into the gentler front slope (1 to 5 or 6) seawalls. The laboratory test on the gentle slope seawall was made, and some experimental fieldworks were carried out. At this time, these new type gentler slope seawalls are successful.
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