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St. Paul Harbor
berm breakwater
breakwater failure

Cómo citar

BERM BREAKWATER FAILURE AT ST. PAUL HARBOR, ALASKA. (1988). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(21), 209.


St. Paul Island, Alaska, is located at 50°10'N latitude and 170°15'W longitude in the south central Bering Sea. It is the most northward and largest island of the Pribilof Island group. The area of the island is about 70 square miles (180 square kilometers), with the city and harbor of St. Paul located at a cove (Village Cove) on the southern coastline. The Pribilof Islands are of volcanic origin and are generally hilly with much of the coastline consisting of precipitous rocky cliffs. Moderate to strong winds are characteristic throughout the year, causing the island to be treeless. It is predominantly covered with grasses, sedges, and wild flowers. The Pribilofs are a natural haven for a variety of flora and fauna. More than a quarter of a million seabirds nest each year along the coastal cliffs. About two-thirds of the world's population of northern fur seals migrate annually to the Pribilofs for mating purposes. The Pribilof Island area of the Bering Sea is also one of the most abundant and richest seafood grounds in the world. Due to a recent moratorium, the harvest of fur seals in the Pribilofs has been discontinued. In order to maintain existing cultural and economic resources, the City of St. Paul has elected to construct a harbor facility at Village Cove to provide services to commercial fishing vessels operating in the central Bering Sea. The maximum natural water depth in the Village Cove area is 26 feet (7.9m) relative to mean lower low tide datum (MLLWO.0). Mean higher high tide level is 3.2 feet (lm) above MLLW, with extreme high tide during storm periods being estimated at between 5.0 and 6.0 feet (1.5 to 1.8m) above MLLW. Waves approaching from the southwest sector have the most effect on St. Paul Harbor. During the winter months, breaking waves with heights of 25 feet (7.6m) and 13-16s periods can be expected at Village Cove several times each year.
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