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Palabras clave

beach evolution
inlet modeling
modeling approach

Cómo citar

AN APPROACH TO MODELING INLET AND BEACH EVOLUTION. (1996). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(25).


Improved understanding of the physical processes controlling inlet and adjacent beach morphology is required to manage sand resources in the vicinity of tidal inlets and to reduce costs associated with structural rehabilitation, maintenance dredging of navigation channels, and mitigation of adverse impacts on adjacent shores. A quantitative modeling capability for estimating sediment fluxes, morphology evolution, and the interaction between the inlet and adjacent beaches is a goal of engineering research. This paper presents the initial phase of work aimed at developing empirical relationships between the physical processes and resulting inlet morphologic response, which are needed to formulate a modeling capability. First, the technical and computational requirements of the model are outlined. Then, a conceptual model of inlet sediment bypassing and a brief overview of a recently developed model (De Vriend et al. 1994) which appears to satisfy most of the model requirements is given. Finally, preliminary results of an empirical analysis of inlet ebb shoal geometric characteristics are presented.
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