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Palabras clave

beach evolution
beach nourishment
Zurriola Beach

Cómo citar

ZURRIOLA BEACH EVOLUTION TWO YEARS AFTER NOURISHMENT. (1998). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(26). https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v26.%p


First results about the behaviour of the nourishment done at Zurriola beach, Vase Country, Spain, have been obtained, by means of the data acquired during 2 years monitoring. The general conclusion appoint to a good agreement with the previous physical model results: in spite of a small percentage of sand is lost, the beach is "selfkept". A rough evaluation of losses has been done, helping us to predict the future maintenance to do. The topography and bathymetry of the beach do not help to a easy modelling by means of mathematical models.
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