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Palabras clave

Wadden Sea
flood protection
Danish Sea

Cómo citar

FLOOD PROTECTION IN THE DANISH WADDEN SEA AREA. (1998). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(26). https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v26.%p


In the Danish Wadden Sea area the main coastal problem is the risk of flooding while coast erosion only takes place in a few small localities and in larger measure at the peninsula of Skallingen. In the Danish Wadden Sea area some 100 km of dike protects the lowlying areas, the marsh areas, against flooding. Through the years the dike protection has been extended and reinforced. Since the 1970s, the frequency of storm surges has been much higher than earlier in this century. These surges have worn the dikes and many reinforcements have been carried out, and two new dikes have been built protecting the towns Ribe and H0jer. The Danish dikes have always been green dikes, i.e. they are grass covered. They are rather easy to reinforce if necessary to withstand also a relative sea level rise caused by the green house effect, the continuing land subsidence in this area or possible more frequent and higher storm surges in the future.
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