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Palabras clave

Dune erosion
Extreme conditions
probabilistic approach
Bayesian Network model

Cómo citar

IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF EXTREME STORM EVENTS USING A BAYESIAN NETWORK. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.4.


This paper describes an investigation on the usefulness of Bayesian Networks in the safety assessment of dune coasts. A network has been created that predicts the erosion volume based on hydraulic boundary conditions and a number of cross-shore profile indicators. Field measurement data along a large part of the Dutch coast has been used to train the network. Corresponding storm impact on the dunes was calculated with an empirical dune erosion model named duros+. Comparison between the Bayesian Network predictions and the original duros+ results, here considered as observations, results in a skill up to 0.88, provided that the training data covers the range of predictions. Hence, the predictions from a deterministic model (duros+) can be captured in a probabilistic model (Bayesian Network) such that both the process knowledge and uncertainties can be included in impact and vulnerability assessments.
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Fishman, G. S. (1996). Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications. Springer, New York.

Plant, N. G. and Stockdon, H. F. (2012). Probabilistic prediction of barrier-island response to hurricanes. Journal of Geophysical Research.

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