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Palabras clave

dune revetment
wave return wall
hydraulic model tests

Cómo citar

NEW DESIGN OF THE BALTRUM DUNE REVETMENT BASED ON HYDRAULIC MODEL TESTS. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.75.


The sandy barrier island of Baltrum is located in the north-western part of the German Federal State Lower Saxony in the North Sea. The north-western part of the island is protected by a dune revetment against storm surges and erosion. In order to determine the functionality and loading of the construction under design storm surge conditions and investigate planning alternatives, numerical modeling of sea state conditions in combination with hydraulical model tests for the construction were executed. Measured overtopping rates of up to 125 l/(s.m) and loads up to 150 kPa showed the necessity to strengthen and heighten the initial construction. A combination of wall elements for wave run-up and overtopping reduction in combination with a crest wall were designed in order to meet the technical demands of coastal defence as well as the touristical needs of an important recreation locality.
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Blum, H., A. Kortenhaus, and F. Thorenz. (2008). Hydraulic Model Tests on Wave Overtopping Loading at a Historical Sea Wall Construction at Baltrum. Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering Hamburg, Germany.

Erchinger, H. F., and R. Ukena. 1987. Der Abbruch der Insel Baltrum bis zum Bau der Schutzwerke ab 1872, Ostfreesland Kalender fur Jedermann 1987, Norden, Germany, 140 -147.

Kaiser, R. 2008. Bemessungsseegang fur die Deckwerke am Weststrand von Baltrum, Kurzgutachten NLWKN, unpublished.

NLWKN. 2010. Master Plan Coastal Defence Lower Saxony - East Friesian Islands - Generalplan Kustenschutz Niedersachsen - Ostfriesische Inseln, Norden.

Oumeraci, H., A. Kortenhaus, S. Pförtner, S. Liebisch, H. Brodersen. 2011. Versuchstechnische Bearbeitung der Wellenuberlauf- und Wellenbelastungdes Deckwerksprofils 740 auf Baltrum. Bericht des Leichtweiß-Institut fur Wasserbau, TU Braunschweig, Nr. 995, unpublished.

Liebisch, S., A. Kortenhaus, H. Oumeraci, F. Thorenz, and H. Blum. (2011): Wellenuberlauf und welleninduzierte Belastung des Deckwerks auf der Insel Baltrum, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Kusteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Kuste, 69-74.

Thorenz, F., H. Blum. 2011. Implementing Coastal Defence Strategies for Sandy Coasts -Reinforcement of the Norderney Dune Revetment, Proceedings 5th International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Aachen.

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