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Palabras clave

flooding risk
hydro-meteorological hazards
risk source-pathway-receptor approach

Cómo citar

RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY AT ISLA DEL CARMEN, MEXICO. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.16. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.management.16


Extreme hydro-meteorological phenomena lead annually to serious damage and losses in the coastal zone of Isla del Carmen, on the Gulf of Mexico. The importance of the risk assessment is the possibility of preventing or reducing those harmful effects. In this context, an integrated risk assessment approach is performed based on the source-pathway-receptor concept to assess the flooding risk in the area. The paper analyses the consequences on the dune ecosystem that extends longitudinally along the island; and the effects on the population, infrastructure and natural habitat located next to the beach. The results of the study will be used to define the zones with a higher level of risk and to propose flood risk mitigation measures. Moreover, the study will contribute to the establishment of specific legislation which supports the protection of the coastal dune.
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