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Palabras clave

dune erosion
sea wall
laboratory experiments

Cómo citar

DUNE EROSION NEAR SEA WALLS: MODEL-DATA COMPARISON. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.102. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.102


This paper describes the validation of the dune erosion model XBeach with laboratory measurement data of dune erosion in the presence of sea walls and revetments. Simulation results show that the essential dune set back processes are captured by the model and that the measurements at most locations are approximated quite well. Some aspects however need more attention in further research. The alongshore distance from a fixed structure over which the dune erosion is influenced was not well captured by the model. Also the absence of short wave run-up on the revetment still causes an underestimation of the amount of dune erosion above the revetment. Furthermore the influence of the angle of incidence was investigated with a conceptual model approach. This revealed a relatively high influence of the angle of incidence on the governing flow pattern in front of a transition between a dune and a fixed structure.
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Van Geer P.F.C., Boers M.B., and van Gent M.A. (2009): Measurements on the interaction between dunes and dikes during extreme storms, Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo, Japan.

Van Thiel de Vries J.S.M. (2012): Dune erosion above revetments, Proc. ICCE 2012.

WL | Delft Hydraulics (1993): Effect bebouwing op de mate van duinafslag (Effect of structures on the amount of dune erosion). Project number: H1696 (In Dutch).

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