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beach profile
toe scour

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SEA WALL and BEACH PROFILE INTERACTION IN RUN-UP REGION. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.13.


Seawalls are the most common form of coastal defence, they are the physical barriers between land and sea. They are parallel to the beach used to prevent overtopping and flooding due to storm waves. They can be constructed in the front or back of the shoreline. However, the front face of a seawall is subjected to high energy wave action, which can induce the problem of toe scour. Scours in front of the breakwaters and the seawalls have been investigated heavily in the past, but it still remains a concern for coastal engineers. In those previous studies, the sea bottom was considered as flat or having a very mild slope. These may not be valid for steep slope beach in front of a structure. The seawall stands in run-up region in this study. The seawall and the beach profile interaction was investigated by experimentally. The beach slopes were 1/5 and 1/10 in the experiments.
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